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Overwatch: Ana

by - 8 years ago


Real Name: Ana Amari, Age: 60

  • Role: Support
  • Occupation: Bounty Hunter
  • Base of Operations: Cairo, Egypt
  • Affiliation: Overwatch (formerly)


Ana Screenshot 2

“Everyone must find their cause.”

One of the founding members of Overwatch, Ana uses her skills and expertise to defend her home and the people she cares for.

As the Omnic Crisis inflicted a heavy toll on Egypt, the country’s depleted and undermanned security forces relied on elite snipers for support. Among them was Ana Amari, who was widely considered to be the world’s best. Her superior marksmanship, decision-making, and instincts made her a natural selection to join the Overwatch strike team that would end the war.

Following the success of Overwatch’s original mission, Ana served for many years as Strike Commander Morrison’s second-in-command. Despite her responsibilities in leading the organization, Ana refused to step away from combat operations. She remained on active duty well into her fifties, until she was believed to have been killed during a hostage rescue mission by the Talon operative known as Widowmaker.

In truth, Ana survived that encounter, despite being gravely wounded and losing her right eye. During her recovery, she wrestled with the weight of a life spent in combat, and she chose to stay out of the world’s growing conflicts. However, as time passed, she realized she could not sit on the sidelines while people threatened her city and the innocents around her.

Now, Ana has rejoined the fight to protect her country from the forces that would destabilize it, and most importantly, to keep her family and her closest allies safe.



Sombra Controls

Ana Controls

Biotic Rifle:

Damage: 100 dps
Shots per Second: 1.25  Damage per shot: 80
Healing per shot: 75
Clip: 10

The biotic rifle is a controversial piece of equipment. The biotic rifle was originally designed by Torjorn as a long range medic rifle. It can heal allies from super long range. It has been modified however to also harm enemies at the same long range.

Biotic Rifle

Biotic Rifle

Sleep Dart:

Damage:  5
Duration: 5.5 seconds interuptable by damage
Cool down: 12 seconds

It is not always necessary to kill every target. Sometimes a little more finess is in order. Ana accomplishes this by tossing a sleep dart at her target. This will temporarily put them out of commission.

Sleep Dart

Sleep Dart

Biotic Grenade:

Damage:  60
Healing:  100 + 50% increase from other sources for 4 seconds
Area of affect: 4 meters

Sometimes you don’t have time to be picky. A biotic grenade is a quick and easy way to heal up a group of allies. Not enough to fully heal but a nice pickup to keep the team going.

Biotic Grenade

Biotic Grenade

Nano Boost:

Damage boost: +50%
Damage negation: 50% less
Duration:  8 seconds

Any super soldier program needs their own special cocktail of medicines to get the job done. Ana has a Nano Boost that is exactly what the doctor ordered. It not only increases speed, defense, and damage it also increases all healing done to the recipient. Atleast temporarily making any soldier a human tank.

Nano Boost

Nano Boost



Check out Ana in action!

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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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