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  • Know the maps: Watchpoint Gibraltar
JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Know the maps: Watchpoint Gibraltar”

  1. King says:

    Had a mage deck with no frostbolt, fireball, polymorph or flamestrike, managed to squeeze 6 wins out of it somehow lol

  2. bishless says:

    Good read. I especially love you’re closing point: ‘fun should still be on the todo list.’

  3. Celton says:

    I used to use the mercenary a lot in arena until he started getting frozen by mages, or dropped to one attack by paladins or put in front of a divine shielded or weak taunter. Good opponents will keep him alive but disabled ad long as possible and then its gg for you. You said not to take risks, he is too much of a risk for me.

  4. Nick says:

    No one can plan for Leerooooooooooy Jenkiiiiiiiiiiins, but sometimes the stars align! I was in arena when my enemy (whose board I had just wiped) dropped a Leeroy that would have charged and killed me…

    … except that I had a knife juggler on the field. Yes the whelps that were summoned for me both activated knife juggler, and yes both knives hit Leeroy killing him instantly. After half laughing / half choking on a glass of water I felt genuinely sorry for my opponent.

    It was pretty funny though.

  5. Luke says:

    Good read, but I probably will never play arena again. Wasted too much gold on it. I always get horrible randoms to create my deck from, and I always get up against people that seem like they are using their normal decks (Rogue aggro, Paladin divine shield, Priests with 2 Mind Controls). It is just not fun for me, and it is a waste of time. I also hate the dailys that force you to play another class, when I absolutely hate the other classes then the class I play. Hearthstone could be a fun game for me, but as of now, it is more annoying then fun.

  6. Hudson says:

    arena is a waste of time and it sucks