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Ultimate Team Ups: Ice and Slice

by - 8 years ago

Ready to raise your game to the next level? Ready to team up against your opponents? Oversight is proud to announce Ultimate Team Ups. We will take some time to look and the synergy between Overwatch heroes.


overwatch oversight

This week we will look at the frightening affect a team with Mei and Genji can cause. This combo can be very useful for stopping an enemy push. Mei has great crowd control abilities that can make enemies sitting ducks for Genji’s powerful abilities.







Mei: Empress of Ice


Genji: The Cybernetic Ninja

Use Mei’s abilities to line up Genjis shots. Freeze the enemies out in the open for long range takedowns Endothermic Blaster

This blaster will do a small amount of damage but it really shines at slowing a target. If she can stay with an enemy long enough she can freeze them in their tracks.


Shurikens fly straight and extremely long distance. Genji can utilize Mei’s Blaster by taking easy headshots on the slowed enemies

As a pair you can block and defend 2 separate entrances Cryo-Freeze

This self applied ice block is great for soaking damage and blocking small areas


Genji is a giver not a taker. He is ready to give back almost anything the enemy sends his way

Block the enemy movement while giving Genji quick access to areas Ice Wall

This massive wall can quickly block enemy progression down narrow sections of maps

Cyber Agility

Genji can ride the icewall to new heights using his cyber agility he can climb the wall and then double jump to make it to  most hard to reach areas

 Ultimate Duo timed used of Mei’s area slow and genji’s quick kill combo can decimate a turtled team Blizzard

Mei sends her personal Bot out to lay down a massive snow storm slowing all enemies caught in its grip

Swift Strike/Dragonblade

Genji can make use of the enemies inability to make an escape. He can use dragonblade to instantly kill any enemy he can reach with his swift strike




JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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